Friday, October 28, 2011

this bear has been down in the same hole on 2 seperate occasions.  lots of dead and dying salmon (silvers) in the river  now so I guess he's looking for an easy meal.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Last days still hangin on

This river was in great shape and should continue, as the extended forecast looks like little rain for the next 10 days. The flies to have this time of year continue to be the Oct. Caddis dry and pupae,spent termite,mahoganey dun in 12 and 18, #18 flying ant, throw in a few dark soft hackles in 14-18. You'll get by just fine.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cutthroat evening

Last night, the river shot from 110 cfs to 850 cfs overnight. I lucked out and fished, even though it was dumping. I was able to get in and out before levels got out of hand. There are 2 crossings you have to make, to the trail out. At 850 cfs, both of them become life threatening. I'm hoping things will calm down and I can get in there one more time before the monsoon season hits.                                                                 

End of the trout season fast approaches