The migration of the Chum (dog) salmon fry, from the local rivers and creeks, into estuaries of the Puget Sound, Hood Canal etc. in late March and into most of April, is an event that savy anglers in the region, herald as much as a Golden Stonefly hatch or the October Caddis. Fry by the millions enter the shallow waters of these estuaries and become easy prey for the Sea Run Cutthroat that inhabit these same waters. Many locally famous patterns have evolved to take advantage of this great fly fishing opportunity. Bob Triggs "Chum Baby" is perhaps the most famous and some say the most effective. The late Doug Rose, created the pattern the "Keta Rose", another home grown fly that closely mimics the Chum fry and has proven to be very effective as well. Bottom line, these fish are hungry and the Chum fry are a huge bounty and great source of protein. Aggresive strikes are the rule. When the tide is right and the wind has laid down, the fishing is magical. It can start with a bang last for an hour or two and be done just as quickly as it started.