Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scouting High Country Deer

These Blacktail bucks are in a spot that is not easy to get to and it would be a long pack once they're down. I would pass on these for that reason. It is tempting though.
Lots of deer sign in this meadow

Glassing the meadow/timber interface produced results

I snuck up on this guy

Another nice buck.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Anchor River Steelhead

Steelhead fishing the Anchor River. Swinging wet flies and drifting egg patterns just like nymphing.
I managed one fish landed, I was unable to photograph it though, as regulations specify you can't remove them from the water. I was by myself in a knee deep run and it was just too much to try and handle a rod ,a fish and a camera. You'll just have to trust me on that. I had another fish on and after a couple of head shakes and a quick run he was gone. A great weekend for sure.   
Some of my gear

Augustine Volcano in the golden light of late afternoon

Illiamna from lower Anchor at high tide

Redoubt, also from the lower Anchor

A male Silver (coho)in brilliant spawning colors

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sub Alpine Lake Rainbows

The Callibaetis were coming off on a regular basis. When the wind layed down and the water glassed over Callibaetis were out and the trout were on them. We effectively matched them with an "Adams" tied parachute and Catskill style, #16.

We lucked out with the weather and enjoyed a couple of warmer fall days

My friend Scott with a nice 20" 'bow
