Monday, September 26, 2011

Some scenes from some of the "unnamed" locales I fish.

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Rainbow and Cutthroat

Late September fishing has been hot. You've got to find the deeper runs and holes cuz rivers have been running skinny. October Caddis, Mahogany Dun, Crane fly & Termite patterns have all produced well for me. Silvers are showing up so I'm going to bring out the big gun (8 weight) and give it a go. The trout fishing should be great until the first big rains spread them out in the rivers. Until then, I'll be pounding them hard.
This is the last summer to fish the Elwha ,until who knows when. Due to dam removal.
The rainbow goes 20" the cutt 14".
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

High country lakes of ONP
Brookie eradication program. No limit on Brookies!! You must work for them though.
This lake is 7 miles from trailhead and 3000' of elevation gain.
Nice snow banks here and there for natural refridgerator

images from the top secret hole